
Branscomb Farm is proud to present our fine collection of premium and states-premium pure Verband approved bloodline broodmares, stallions, and breeding prospects.  Please select the images to be routed to individual pages for each horse, their offspring, and pedigree and/or performance information.  Thank you for visiting.


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16.3 premium Holsteiner mare by Cassini II from Grand Prix jumper premium Holsteiner mare Reika B by Lavall II - Ricardo (Ramiro). Top scope and technique with a mind to match. Shown professionally 1.30m - now in 2015 and  2016 with amateur rider at HITS Thermal and other major west coast shows.  

Chicarno BF head 3

This beautiful son of Contiano BF out of our Lordanos  - Cassini I-Lord mare  is modern, big moving, and highly intelligent prospect for either the hunter or jumper ring.  

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 Named Foal of Distinction and Premium at the 2017 Oldenburg Verband Inspection. One of only a handful of foals from USA to be accepted into OldenburgVerband's Springpferde (OS) registry (special breeding program for show jumping). 

clara bf blen 416 1

By Diarado from Talandra (Acorado-Landgraf- Ahorn Z)   Excellent minded, athletic, and happy. Qualified for YJC finals in 2015 and 2016 (5& 6 years) Competed with an amateur in 2017. Breeding quality and show experienced

amigo bf 4 23 15 a


 A very nice all around sport horse, this top hunter or jumper prospect has a sweet outgoing personality and a lovely soft but athletic jump. Shown lightly at "A" shows and progressing well.

camela bf1

PREMIUM - Foal of Distinction  7/31/15 German Oldenburg Verband -O-S inspection Full sister to 2017 YJC Champion 5 year old approved stallion  Camelot BF. 

camelot bf

 Congratulations to Oak Meadow Ranch LLC and Amanda Porter on winning the Young JUmper Championships 5 year old Finals for the Western Division and on the acquisition of Camelot BF for their breeding and sport program as a yearling in 2012!